People think taking a puppy home as soon as they are born is a good idea, but it is not the case. You should know when it is the right age or time to bring a puppy home and away from its mother. It is generally eight weeks, but there are also some other things you need to look out for. Before this age, the puppies go through a development stage physically as well as mentally, and they need their mother in the whole process.

It is important to leave the puppy with their mother during this stage so they can become well-behaved and socialised dogs after they grow up. You need to first understand why they go through this stage and why eight weeks is the minimum age to take them to your home. Do proper research about the puppy and take home an adorable and healthy puppy.
First two weeks
After the birth to two weeks of age, a puppy goes through a major development stage which is called the neonatal stage. At this time, they do not have any teeth; they are blind and deaf. So they are dependable completely on their mother, who takes care, provides milk, checks the intestinal distress, cleans them and provides body heat.
If you take the puppies from their mother at this stage, they will die from starvation or give up. At this stage, taking care of puppies without their mother needs specialised dog training in Oxfordshire. Few breeds of dogs open their ears and eyes at two weeks of age. It may look like they are capable of leaving their mother before eight weeks, but still, they should not be taken away from their mother.
Two to four weeks
At this stage, the puppies go through the transitional stage. They start to open their eyes and recognise light, shapes and other things. They start to get their voice and recognise the noises their mother makes. At 3 to 4 weeks, puppies will take an interest in the taste and smell of their mother's food. Few also start eating solid food and do not need anything more than their mother's milk.
At the transitional stage, they are sensitive to the changes such as loud noise, new smells and changes in the environment. These things have an impact on their development. You should not take them away from their mother as they need to be surrounded by her and the littermates. If you still take them away, it can cause distress that also affects their personality.
Four To Seven Weeks
At this age, the puppies can stand and walk without the help of their mother. She can also leave the cage or whelping box for a long time. The puppies are introduced to solid food so they can eat. They also start socialising with their littermates and learn what to do. They know that playing is fun and biting hurts. The mothers give them the right puppy obedience training. She communicates with the puppies and also punishes them in the language they will understand. She will also produce less milk and start weaning the puppy. Finally, they will be capable of eating solid food. At this age, they explore and learn new things and smell something different from their mother.
The Fear stage
Between 8 and 12, some puppies have fear, but not all of them go through this stage. At the beginning of the 8th week, it is almost impossible to say whether they will have the fear or not. By 10 weeks, the rescue centre or a breeder will know whether the puppy is going through the fear stage or not. In such cases, it is advisable to wait till the end of the 12th week to take the puppy to its new home. If they have the fear stage and you still take them, it can cause serious behavioural issues in their life. So they might need the right dog training to get normal. If you have already adopted the puppy in the 8th week and then entered the fear stage, here are some things you can do to help them.
Spend a lot of time with them and cuddle them often.
Play physical games with them. So they get distracted from the fear and enjoy their life with you. Teach them some simple commands. It will help them mentally get distracted and make dog training much easier. Make their bed in a quiet area, so they do not feel disturbed by any other pets and people.
It is important to work with them and not abandon them. They might also need dog recall training from the experts. They feel afraid of any sharp smell, loud noise, big changes, punishment and strange objects.
What happens if you separate puppies from their mother too soon?
Taking a puppy away from its mother can harm them physically and psychologically. The puppies may suffer from:
Poor immune system response
Increased risk of disease
Decreased appetite
Weight Loss
Taking the puppy away from its mother can put its life at risk. They will not get the same hormones, antibodies, enzymes and other important benefits from the mother's milk. The puppy may not get developed in the right way. This is one of the important reasons why puppies develop behavioural issues. You can indeed train the dog to stop biting, but it is difficult if they have not learned how to bite.
The most sensitive stage is when the dog is vulnerable and impressionable. During this period, they learn new skills at the beginning of 3 weeks and ending around 12 weeks. So if the puppy is taken away from the mother during the early days, it can be a traumatic experience for them. It can result in:
Anxiety or stress
Trouble sleeping
Separation anxiety
Difficult behaviour with other dogs
Fear while walking
There are some other factors as well that lead to developing behavioural problems in them. For example, separating the puppies from their mothers during the early stage can have a detrimental effect. They will not know how to act with other dogs; because of them, other dogs will also react badly to them. In addition, if the mothers do not get the chance to give proper dog training, they would be socially unskillful.
Puppies at 8th weeks
After 8th weeks, puppies crave human attention and know how much fun it is to play with them. They no longer need the mother's milk and start eating solid food and have a steady diet. They are independent and also get the right dog walking control. They can sleep without their littermates and can control their bowels and bladder. They will no longer search for their mother and are ready to go to a new home.
Adopting puppies before they are eight weeks old is illegal in many states. So it is always good to check the state law before adopting it to ensure you follow it. Do not miss any information when it comes to raising a puppy. Get nutritional, veterinary and personalised dog training advice. This way they will not be facing any issues in their new home.
Summary: Most breeders agree that a puppy should not be taken away from the mother if they are not ready and not sold if they have not crossed the legal age. Early separation can affect the puppy's physical and mental development. The time they spend with their siblings and mother is important for their development.